Final semester students
The end of semester will be here before you know it. Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to plan ahead. You might be considering further studies or employment in Australia. Perhaps you are preparing to pack your belongings and farewell some of your friends. Either way, there is a lot of useful information online to assist you with your preparation.
Seminar for students returning home
Register to attend an information session at Clayton where you can learn about graduating, organising your finances, re-directing your mail and readjusting to life back home. Students from all campuses are welcome to attend.
When:Wednesday 28 September, 2.30-3.30pm
Where: R2 Theatre, Building 8 (Rotunda building), 46 Exhibition Walk, Clayton Campus
GoinGlobal – Job opportunities overseas
Are you planning to return home or move elsewhere to work? GoinGlobal has job opportunities and information about how to apply and live in over 100 countries. Login with your Monash authcate and password.
Career Connect Services
Career education consultants are available at Career Connect to discuss questions about your career. Chat about your work rights, improving your employability, job search strategy, career decisions and more. Book in for an appointment, or drop in to our office if you have a brief question, at your preferred campus.
How to get your business started
Thinking of becoming your own boss? Come along to this panel session at Caulfield on 15 September to hear insights from a panel of entrepreneurs and experts. Pick up business tips and advise on what you need to succeed. Book in through Career Gateway
Know your work rights
Learn what key things you need to look out for when seeking employment in Australia. Know your work rights and find out where to seek assistance for employment issues. Seminar sessions are available in Clayton and Caulfield. Book in through Career Gateway
Scam Alert!
The Department of Immigration and Border Protection has published an article on migration fraud and scams operating in Australia. Scams occur in many forms – by post, email, phone or internet and can be difficult to detect so make sure you get informed, protect yourself and avoid scams.
Volunteer Opportunites with Bicycle Network
Bicycle Network have some volunteer opportunities coming up in October and November
Around the Bay – Ride for a Child in Need is one day of the year where Melbourne unites to celebrate cycling and help raise money for the Smith Family. The route runs 250km around Port Phillip Bay and applications are open for teams to volunteer in several different areas!
When: 9 October
Great Victorian Bike Ride – Travel to the amazing Grampians and Great Ocean Road on a 10 day volunteering adventure. Transport, meals and accommodation is included. This is a great opportunity to make some good friends, sight see, practice your English and travel for free!
When: Saturday 26 Nov – Sunday 4 December
For more information, contact Sarah (03) 8376 8888 or email
Study Melbourne Student Centre 
Free tax help volunteers are available at the Study Melbourne Student Centre every Tuesday from 1-5pm until the 10 October. Call 1800 056 449 or email to book. Practice your English at the English Conversation Club on Mondays between 2pm-4.30pm from 5 September onwards. Register via email to Get one free resume check – drop into the centre on Tuesdays between 1.30pm – 4pm.
Water Safety
Do you know how to swim? It is free for you to join Waterwise – an introduction to swimming program. To enrol, visit the Doug Ellis Swimming Pool at Clayton Campus and present your Monash University ID Card.
All current Waterwise participants can also get a $10 Surf Skills lesson at the Monash Aquatic Recreation Centre in Glen Waverley. Places are limited so register and pay at the Aquatic Service desk by Sunday 18 September.
Where: Monash Aquatic and Recreation Centre
When: Thursday 22 September, 6.30pm
Completed the Census?
Everyone in Australia must complete the Census – including international students. All issues with the online system has been resolved so you can complete it online or in paper form. If you don’t complete the census, you could be fined. The last day to complete your census is 23 September.
Do you want to live on campus?
Applications for 2017 are now open to live on campus for new and returning residents. Apply now as applications are are processed on a “first in, first served” basis. Contact MRS (Monash Residential Services) for any enquiries.
Non Residential Colleges present: The Human Library
Ever wanted to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes? Or give someone else insight into your unique experience? THIS is the perfect opportunity for you! The Human Library is a great way of sharing stories and learning how other people live their lives –in the form of a human book!. All interested in being either a “Book” or a “Reader” must fill out the registration form and rsvp for the event.
When: Thursday 8 September, 6pm-8pm
Where: Building 54, Japanese Studies Centre, Auditorium, 12 Ancora Imparo Way
Congratulations to the Winner of the Free Hoodie – Reza Wihardja
Thank you to everyone who participated in this competition. We plan to have more competitions coming up so keep a look out!
Win 2 Village movie tickets
Send an email to with ‘Top Melbourne Day Trips’ in the subject line and tell us 5 of your recommended destination day trips for international students and why. Make sure to include your name and ID in the body of the email. The winner will be judged on the most creative and detailed response. Competition closes at midnight on Sunday 11 September and the top 5 destinations will be published in next month’s newsletter. Total word limit should not exceed 250.