Peninsula campus

Peninsula Campus

Monday, May 1st, 2017

Changes to exam rules
Last month you were sent an email from Monash University Exam Services. New changes to exam rules have started this semester and you will no longer be able to cancel your exam once you attend but do not complete it. If you are unsure of the new exam rule changes please contact MONSU Student Rights.
Phone: 9903 2596

Melbourne International Student Leadership Program
Vishnu Visvanathan, your Monsu international student rep, was selected to represent Monash at the Melbourne International Student Leadership Program.  This program takes students on a leadership journey to help develop themselves personally and professionally and includes a series masterclasses, industry talks and tours.
Best wishes Vishnu!

International Student Engagement
If you have any feedback about the newsletter or suggestions of items to be included, please email

Important Notices – April 2017

Sunday, April 2nd, 2017

Final semester students
The end of semester will be here before you know it. Its time to plan ahead. You might be considering further studies or employment in Australia or perhaps you are preparing to pack your belongings and farewell some of your friends. Either way, there is a lot of useful information online to assist you with your preparation.

Seminar for students returning home
Register to attend an information session at Clayton where you can learn about graduating, organising your finances, re-directing your mail and readjusting to life back home. Students from all campuses are welcome to attend. Refreshments provided.

When:Thursday 20 April, 3-4pm
Where: S2 Theatre, Building 25, 16 Rainforest Walk Clayton Campus

Volunteers needed in Malaysia and Singapore in mid June
We are seeking expression of interest from students who would like to volunteer at the Monash Pre-departure briefing in mid June this year (exact date is to be confirmed). You will be helping to
 meet and greet new students and their parents, assist with the registration desk,  share your Monash journey from a student perspective, and answer any questions from students and parents. This is a great opportunity to help support new students coming to Monash. Selected volunteers will receive a certificate of appreciation.

If you will be in Singapore or Malaysia at this time and you are keen to help out, register your interest. Please note, this is a volunteering opportunity and expenses will not be covered.

Scam targeting International Students
Beware of scammers when applying for jobs that guarentee ways fast ways to make money. For more information, check out Scamwatch.

Record my Hours App
Record your work hours and other information about your job with Fair Work Australia’s new app. Share this with your employer to ensure you get the correct pay for all the hours you’ve worked. This app is free with lots of functionalities including sending reminders about upcoming shifts, recording payslips and is available in 12 different languages.

International student work rights
Thinking of working over the mid semester break? Search for a job on Career Gateway or  drop into Career Connect at your campus to have your job application reviewed.  If you’re planning on working in Australia, make sure you know your rights as an employee. Check out these useful tips by Fairwork Australia and Study Melbourne.

University holiday and close down period
Please note that the University will close at 5pm on Thursday 13 April 2016 for the Easter period and will reopen on at 9am on Wednesday 19 April 2017. The university will also be closed for Anzac Day on Tuesday 25 April. During this time, you may contact the following services if required:

Monash Security
After hours counselling service – 1300 350 359
The Study Melbourne Student Centre



English Connect
Need help with English? Come to English Connect – we offer support with academic and conversational English, grammar and public speaking. Let’s Chat has already commenced but you can still join – see our timetable online and come to one of our sessions.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Day
More than 30 universities across Australia and New Zealand are participating in Mental health and wellbeing day on Tuesday 2 May. Get involved by becoming a Mental Health Champion on campus or enrolling in Changing Minds online. This one hour course is a great introduction to mental health and students who complete it obtain a certificate at the end. Monash university also offers various programs  for students wanting to learn more about common mental health issues. For more information, check out the Monash mental health awareness video or email .


What’s On

Festivals and events in April:
Melbourne Food and Wine Festival –  Friday 31 March – Sunday 9 April
Melbourne International Comedy Festival –  Wednesday 29 March – Sunday 23 April
AFIS – Day Trip to Great Ocean Road – Sunday 16 April – $40
AFIS – Dance Fit – Wednesday 19 April
The Melbourne Collective Design Market –  Sunday 23 April
Anzac Day – Tuesday 25 April

Want more? Check out That’s Melbourne website for more information.

Pregnancy Information Session – for International Students and their partners
Find out how to prepare for pregnancy and the services available that assist with transition into parenthood. Learn how the medical system works in Australia when having a baby or considering pregnancy. To register. More information, email

When: Thursday 27 April, 11am-12.30pm
Where: The Seminar Room, Campus Community Division, Level 1, Campus Centre, 21 Chancellors Walk, Clayton Campus

Check out these MPA events 
Monash Postgraduate Association has a lot of trips and events coming up in April including free lunch at Clayton or Caulfield campus and an overnight trip to Wilsons Prom and the Grampians. Check out their events and book your spot now!

Melbourne International Student Conference 2017
This two day conference aims to bring together industry and local and international students to learn, exchange ideas and support young people in their personal and professional development.
When: May 5-6
Cost: $65 – early bird registration (ending 10 April) or $85


Tips for International Students

Are you Rent Smart?
Are you experiencing issues in your newly rented property? Have you contacted your landlord and had little response? If you need further assistance, you can always check out the Monash Off Campus accomodation website, search Ask.Monash for answers or simply drop into Monash Connect. Australian Federation of International Students (AFIS) is also running a Tenancy Workshop Rights on Sunday 8 April, 2.30pm – 4.30pm in the Multicultural Hub for all international students across Melbourne. Light refreshments will be provided.

With assignments due soon, don’t take short cuts by trying to pass off someone else’s ideas and work as your own. If you are caught, there is a good chance your work will put you at risk of failing the unit.

Not sure if you’ve plagiarised your work? Find out by speaking with Research and Learning Skills at the library and by visiting the library website.

You can also contact a Student Rights Officer on campus to find out what to do if you are asked to attend a meeting with your lecturer because of plagiarism.