General Notices

1. Call for papers – Beyond the Public Debt Crisis: The European Monetary Union at a Crossroads

Online journal Re-public invites contributions for its upcoming special issue titled ‘Beyond the public debt crisis: The European Monetary Union at a crossroads’. The public debt crisis of Greece and of other peripheral eurozone countries is casting doubts upon the viability of the current institutions and mechanisms of the European Monetary Union.

Possible topics include:

What are the political and social implications of the existing institutions of the eurozone?
How do existing EMU mechanisms affect the balance between financial and productive capital?
Are existing investment tools adequate for pulling out peripheral countries out of recession? How could cross-European investments in sustainable industries be set up?
Is the EMU in need of fiscal transformations? Of allowing for fiscal transfers from rich to poorer states? Of an enlarged EU budget?
How could the structural inequalities within the eurozone between peripheral and core member states be addressed?

Essays should be approximately 1,500 – 1,800 words.

Please submit contributions in any electronic format to:

The closing dates for applications is Saturday 15 May, 2010

For further information see:

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