General Notices

1. Clinical Legal Education Applications

If you think you need hands-on practical experience of real clients with real cases – including court appearances – before you leave law school, please note that Clinical Legal Education applications are now being accepted for Clinical Period 3:
(July – November) until Friday 5 June, 2010.

For application forms and unit information please see:
or at the Law Student Services counter.

Clinical Legal Education Programs Available:

LAW5216 Professional Practice (12pts)

LAW5217 Law Reform and Community Development (6pts)

LAW5128 Family Law Assistance Program (Professional Practice) (12pts)

LAW5149 Advanced Professional Practice LAW5149 (6pts)

Sexual Assault Clinic – SECASA

Criminal Defence Clinic – in conjunction with Rob Stary and Associates

Human Rights Clinic – in conjunction with the Castan Centre for Human Rights at Holding Redlich

Commercial Law Clinic – in conjunction with Moores Legal, solicitors

2. Disability Liaison Unit Services

The Faculty of Law is committed to promoting access and equity for students who have a disability or long term medical condition.

The University’s Disability Liaison Unit (DLU) may be able to provide a range of services to assist these students, including alternative arrangements for assessments/examinations (AAA’s).

To register with the DLU you must contact them directly, for more information and contact details please visit the website at:

3. Research Project

We are looking for skilled and enthusiastic senior law students to participate in an online experiment!

Solve a fun and challenging contract law dispute. Knowledge of contract law is not needed, we supply the law, and you supply the skills to apply it!

You get a $50 Sanity Music gift card.

This experiment requires a minimum participation time of 30 minutes. On average, it requires 60 minutes to complete.

For queries contact:

For more information see:
Research Project

4. Semester 1 Unit Evaluations

Semester 1 Unit Evaluations (UE) are now underway and we would really appreciate your participation in these evaluations (it is only 5 questions plus the opportunity to add some comments)  and let us know how you think the quality of our Units can be continually improved. 

We do care about your feedback and opinions and we do take what you say on board when redesigning our Units for next time – if you look in the Unit Guides you will see that there is a special section in there called ‘Continuous Improvement’ which explains how the student feedback from the previous group has led to improvements for the current Unit. 

We also try hard each Semester to improve on our previous performance on Unit Evaluations so in S1 we are trying to improve on our 2009 S1 UE performance of:

Average student response rate – the Law Faculty received 51.42% compared with the University’s response rate at 46.02%.

Average score on Q5 – the overall satisfaction question – the Law Faculty rated 4.09 out of a possible 5 compared with the University’s score of 3.94.

Number of Units scoring in the ‘Outstanding’ category on Q5 – the Law Faculty had 20 Units rate in this category which was an awesome result! To do this now Units have to get a score of 4.7 or more out of a possible 5. 

Thank you very much for the feedback which you provide to us about our units – we really do appreciate it and of course your participation in the unit evaluation process.

5. Warning Re Uploading Of University Materials On External Websites

It has come to the Faculty’s attention that some students have been downloading lecture slides from Blackboard and uploading them onto external commercial  websites.

We would like to remind students that the university owns the copyright for all lecture materials and that their misuse breaches copyright law and is treated as a disciplinary offence by the university.

Assoc Prof Moira Paterson Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies)

Professor Ann Monotti Associate Dean (Postgraduate Studies)

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