General Notices

1. Lunch with Lecturers – Information on Law Electives for 2012

This event will provide students with an insight into the Law electives offered in 2012 for semester 1 and 2. Elective lecturers will be available to personally address concerns of students and provide an outline of the course material covered in their subjects.

Venue: Monash University (Clayton), Law Library Basement

Date: Wednesday 21 September, 2011 (week 9)

Time: 12.00pm – 2.00pm

Price: Free, with pizza provided

RSVP: Facebook event ‘Lunch with law Lecturers’


Unit Name Lecturer
Professional Practice LAW5216 Adrian Evans
Intellectual Property 1: Copyright & DesignLAW5146 David Lindsay
Feminist Legal Philosophy *NEW IN 2012* Janice Richardson
Insolvency LAW5142 John Duns
Restrictive Trade Practice LAW5122 John Duns
Research Practicum Unit *NEW IN 2012* Kathy Laster
Remedies LAW4522 Normann Witzleb
Private International Law LAW4156 Normann Witzleb
Prato and Malaysia Study Programs Normann Witzleb
Law and Social Theory LAW4130 Patrick Emerton
Unit Name Lecturer
Professional Practice LAW5216 Helen Yandell
Advanced Professional Practice LAW5449 Helen Yandell
Law Reform and Community Development LAW5217 Helen Yandell
International Criminal Law LAW4184 Joanna Kyriakakis
Australian Commercial Law LAW4198 Justin Malbon
Consumer Law LAW4196 Justin Malbon
Contemporary Workplace Relations Law LAW4119 Karen Wheelright
Law of Employment LAW4132 Karen Wheelright
Collective Labour Rights LAW4127 Karen Wheelright
Remedies LAW4522 Normann Witzleb
Private International Law LAW4156 Normann Witzleb
Prato and Malaysia Study Programs Normann Witzleb
Construction Law LAW4190 Paula Gerber
Media Law 2 LAW4140 Sharon Rodrick
Taxation Law LAW 5152 Stephen Barkoczy
Advanced Taxation Law LAW5153 Stephen Barkoczy

This will be an excellent opportunity to determine what law electives you should do in 2012.

2. Sexting: Prevalence and Opinion in Adults

The Just Leadership Program invites you to participate in our survey, “‘Sexting’: Prevalence and Opinion in Adults”. The survey is a 10 minute inquiry on your attitudes to sending sexually explicit, suggestive or nude images via electronic communications. The survey further inquires into your opinion regarding the mandatory placement of adults on the Sex Offender Register for the sending of such images with minors. This area is very topical at the moment and the results will be used to create a reform submission to the Attorney-General and add to the Victorian Law Reform Commission’s submission regarding the Sex Offender Register.

To complete the survey please visit

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