General Notices

1. Copies of Examination Scripts

A new procedure has been put in place for students who wish to request copies of their exam scripts.  At the end of the exam period the relevant application form will be made available on the Law Faculty website:

Students must submit the application form and cash payment of $5 per exam by the due date, which will be clearly stated on the form.  NO LATE APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED.

Requests made after the closing date will need to follow the University Freedom of Information procedures:

Any enquiries regarding obtaining copies of exam scripts can be made in person at the Law Student Services counter:
Email or calling 9905 3300.

2. Semester 2 SETU Surveys

Please can you make sure that you have completed an online SETU survey for each Semester 2 Unit in which you are enrolled as these close on Friday 28 October. It is very easy to do as you just do it through your portal.  It is really important that we do get your feedback about what you liked and disliked in your Semester 2 Units including the teaching in the Units. We do value your feedback from the SETU surveys and we use it to help improve our Units.

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