1. Run 4 Refugees
The countdown’s on. Help us reach our goal of $250,000 with 1,000 runners in October’s Melbourne Marathon. If you’re planning to join us to run for refugees, sign up here to save 30% on the entry fee before the earlybird discount ends midnight, July 29. Whether you choose to run, walk or hop, or to sponsor a participant and cheer from the sidelines, your effort and enthusiasm is crucial to our campaign’s success—and to the continuing support of those seeking succour.
Says perennial ASRC runner, David MacPhail: “I’m running the marathon with our team, Run 4 Refugees, as part of the Melbourne Marathon and hoping to raise much needed funds for the ASRC where I work as a voluntary case worker. For 11 years the ASRC has been fighting for the human rights of asylum seekers. During this time over 7000 people have been provided with sanctuary, support and hope, and thousands of people have won their freedom through the work of the ASRC. The people who sponsor me are already involved in all sorts of things, and I am sometimes hesitant to ask. However, at ASRC we get almost no government funding and without fundraising are unable to deliver a service.”
Once you’ve registered, click here to create your Run 4 Refugees’ fundraising page. This part is free, and it’s easy. Robyn in ASRC’s fundraising office is available to answer queries and support your fundraising endeavours. You can find her here: Alternatively you can contact Alicia Booth on
Please note that this event is not affiliated with Monash Law School, but a team has been organised by Monash students as above.
2. The Success and Challenges of Transitional Justice in Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone, a country that experienced one of the most brutish civil wars between 1991 and 2002, can offer answers at least to some of the myriad of accountability questions raised in transitional justice. After the war Sierra Leone established two institutions: a Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Special Court for Sierra Leone. The Court assembled many perpetrators of atrocities during the war and victims of the same war, as well as those who created the sociological, political and economic environment that led to the war in the first place. The SCSL is a unique hybrid tribunal of local and international law, established to indict, prosecute, and convict those who bear ‘greatest responsibility for war crimes’ committed within the country during the period of the Sierra Leonean civil war. This presentation will look at the political, sociological as well as legal successes and challenges of the SLTRC and SCSL, discussing the ramifications of setting up those two mechanisms simultaneously and the financial implication of setting up the court.
For further information, please see here.