1. Castan Centre Annual Lecture
2013 The Castan Centre for Human Rights Law / King & Wood Mallesons Annual Lecture
Professor Gillian Triggs, President of the Australian Human Rights Commission
Date: Friday 22 November 2013
Time: 1pm to 2pm
Venue: Telstra Theatrette, 242 Conference Centre, Level 1, 242 Exhibition Street, Melbourne
RSVP: or telephone 03 9905 3327
Full details:
Public lecture – All welcome
The 2013 Castan Centre / King & Wood Mallesons Annual Lecture is to be presented by the President of the Australian Human Rights Commission, Professor Gillian Triggs. This year’s lecture is focussing on the increasingly important issue of business and human rights.
2. Doing Justice in ADR: is it what Disputants want or a Convenient Rationalisation?
Presented by Peter Condliffe
Venue: Coopers Inn (2nd floor), cnr Exhibition and Little Lonsdale Streets
Date: Thursday 28 November, 2013
Time: 5.45 for a 6.15 pm start
Cost: Free to current VADR members, $20 for non members. Finger food is provided. Drinks are available at the bar.
For further event details visit here
3. ICC Mediation Competition Team 2014
The Team for the 2014 ICC mediation competition has been chosen!
The Australian Centre for Justice Innovation (ACJI) and the Faculty of Law are proud to announce that the first ever Monash University Team has been chosen for the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) mediation competition to be held in Paris 6-12 February 2014. It was an extremely competitive field of applicants and we thank all those students who submitted applications. We would also like to thank our new Team members for their committed support to the competition and are looking forward to Paris in the Spring!
If you are a law student interested in submitting an application for the 2015 competition in please be advised that weight will be given to students who have taken LAW7474 Collaborative Practice. The next offering of Collaborative Practice will be held on 12-14 June 2014.
Please see the attached for further details ICC Team Announcement
4. Take the Next Step in your Career with a Monash LLM
Monash Law School offers flexible postgraduate courses via a range of study modes so you can work while you study and tailor your workload to suit your professional goals and personal commitments.
City location
Monash University Law Chambers is a dedicated postgraduate study centre in the heart of the city and Melbourne’s legal precinct. With modern teaching and computer facilities and access to a vast array of online learning material, it’s the ideal environment for group interaction and learning.
Flexible study programs
Tailor your workload to suit your professional goals and personal commitments. Monash Law’s postgraduate programs are flexible so you can work while you study. Take your pick from intensive, semi-intensive or semester-long delivery.
Find out More
A special information session has been organised for Clayton Campus on Monday 25 November from 12-1pm in L2, Building 12. Information will also be presented about the LLM Courses available to eligible LLB students.
For further information please contact our team via or on extension 9905 3389.