General Notices

1. Faculty of Law – Social Media

The Faculty of Law now has a Facebook and Twitter page.

To keep up to date with key events and dates, either like us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter.

2. Mooting and Advocacy Competition LAW4248

Call for Applications:

For the first time in 2014, we are offering a unit designed to give intensive training in advocacy skills, including legal research and drafting techniques, as well as oral argument. This will culminate in a moot court or other advocacy-based competition, in which students will compete on behalf of Monash against teams from other universities.

Every student chosen for this unit will be allocated to a particular competition. Some of these will be held in Melbourne, others interstate and possibly a few overseas. For those students who need to travel for their competition, the airfares and accommodation costs will be covered by the Faculty.

The exact competitions may vary, depending on the subject knowledge of the students enrolled, the dates of the various competitions and other factors.

The handbook entry with more information is available at the website

How to Apply:

Every student will be part of a mooting team as such, places in this unit are strictly limited. Students will be chosen in a competitive application process.

Applications need to be submitted to the Chief Examiner of the unit, Associate Professor Adam McBeth, at by 12 noon, Monday 14 April. The application form is available at the resources webpage.

Applications are open to all students currently in their second or subsequent year of their law degree. Preference will generally be given to later year students, although it is expected that some places will be offered to students earlier in their degree.

Criteria for selection will include course progression, marks in completed units, experience or skill in mooting, debating or other advocacy. Shortlisted candidates may be asked to make a brief presentation to assist in selecting the final group.

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