1. Diversity & Inclusion Week
Monash University Diversity and Inclusion Week is running from Monday 25 until Friday 29 August. Check out the website for lots of great events for staff and students.
This is an excellent opportunity to be part of Monash’s commitment to social justice.
2. Information Session for Prospective PhD Students
Are you looking to complete your PhD or Research Masters at Monash? Come along to the annual Information Session held exclusively for Honours students.
Professor Zlatko Skrbis, Vice-Provost (Graduate Education), faculty staff and Monash University Institute of Graduate Research (MIGR) staff will fill you in on Why Monash,
The Monash PhD, How to apply and Scholarships.
You will hear firsthand from current PhD students about their experience and Monash alumni CEO’S about where a PhD can take you.
Date: Tuesday 5 August, 2014
Time: 3.30pm-5pm
Venue: The Greenview room, Monash University Sports Club, Clayton
Register on the website
3. National Mediation Conference
The National Mediation Conference is the perfect opportunity for students to network with senior policy makers, managers, judges and leaders in the field of mediation, negotiation and dispute resolution.
Date: Tuesday 9 until Thursday 11 September, 2014
Venue: Grand Hyatt, Melbourne
Cost: Student online registration is $490
Registration includes:
- A conference satchel and program
- Morning and afternoon teas and lunch
- A ticket to the Welcome Reception at Eureka 89
Registration Closes on Wednesday 27 August, 2014
For more information please visit the website
4. Snap-Chats – A Speed Networking Event
Monash Law Ambassadors are proud to invite you to ‘Snap-Chats’ – a speed networking event designed to provide you with a greater understanding of the various career pathways available with your law degree.
Through the rotation of small groups, students will receive a snap shot of different practice areas while being exposed to the valuable knowledge and experiencee of Practitioners, Monash staff and Alumni.
Numbers are strictly limited to allow for more meaningful conversation and networking with representatives attending. Canapés and drinks will also be provided.
Date: Tuesday 19 August, 2014
Time: 6-8pm
Venue: Monash University Law Chambers, 555 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
Cost: Free
Register now for this free event
5. VADR CPD Event – Gina Ralston: The Work of the DSCV in the Magistrate’s Court
You are cordially invited to a VADR CPD Event on Thursday, 24 July when Gina Ralston, Director of the Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria will speak on The Work of the DSCV in the Magistrates’ Court. The DSC aims to prevent the escalation of low level community disputes with early intervention and prevention. Unfortunately many people seek direct assistance from the police and courts, as a quick fix to their dispute. The DSCV has been working closely with the Magistrate’s Court to divert defended civil matters (under $40,000) and appropriate Personal Safety Intervention Order matters to mediation. Gina will talk about the success and challenges of working with clients who want their day in court and the art of persuading them into mediation.
Date: Thursday 24 July, 2014
Time: 5.45 for a 6.15 pm start
Venue: Coopers Inn (2nd floor), cnr Exhibition and Little Lonsdale Streets
Cost: Free to current VADR members, $20 for non-members. Finger food is provided. Drinks are available at the bar.
If you’d like to attend, please email or
Please feel free to pass on details of the event to anyone you feel may be interested.
For further information please see the flyer