General Notices

1. The Faculty of Law History Book

Pericleans, Plumbers and Practitioners: The First Fifty Years of the Monash University Law School

By Peter Yule and Fay Woodhouse

The Faculty of Law History book is now available to purchase online from the Monash Publishing website

2. SETU Surveys Opening Soon

Surveys will soon be available for the following units:

LLB Units – survey opens on Tuesday 15 July and closes on Tuesday 29 July

  • LAW4160 Negotiation and Mediation

Malaysia Program Units – survey opens on Tuesday 15 July and closes on Tuesday 22 July

  • LAW4165 and LAW7165  Comparative constitutions and rights and
  • LAW4484 and LAW7484  Malaysian and Singaporean constitutional systems

LLM Units – survey opens on Tuesday 15 July and closes on Tuesday 22 July

  • LAW7498 Principles of government law and administration
  • LAW7258 Consumer protection: Regulation and compliance
  • LAW7306 Corporate governance and directors’ duties
  • LAW7330 Protecting the rights of minorities, marginalised and vulnerable people
  • LAW7119 Protecting commercial innovation: Patents and trade secrets
  • LAW7317 Regulatory performance: evaluating what works
  • LAW7037 Occupational health and safety
  • LAW7276 Principles of taxation
  • LAW7450 Personal property securities
  • LAW7474 Collaborative practice
  • LAW7495 International entertainment law.

We would really appreciate it if you could please complete the SETU survey for all your Units and let us know what you thought as we do value your feedback and use it to continually fine tune our Units.

3. Volunteering at Monash-Oakleigh Legal Service

Are you a first to third year Law student or JD student in your first six trimesters of your degree and looking for the opportunity to gain some invaluable practical legal experience?

Applications for the Wednesday Night Advice Only Session at Monash Oakleigh Legal Service will open at 8am Monday 21 July, 2014 and close 5pm Monday 28 July, 2014. Please note that late applications will not be accepted.

You are applying to be part of the Wednesday night volunteer team, which provides advice to clients experiencing a wide range of legal problems.

Students are rostered to volunteer on Wednesday nights on a fortnightly basis from 6:00pm until approximately 8:30pm. Commencement date is in September 2014.

In each session you will:

  • Interview clients along with another law student
  • Develop practical legal skills as well as research skills
  • Have the opportunity to learn and work under the supervision of qualified lawyers and barristers

For more information, please see the website

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