General Notices

1. 2017 Access Monash Mentor

Want to share your story and inspire young people to study at university? Become an Access Monash Mentor for 2017!

As a Mentor you will:

  • Help students from under-represented schools decide on their pathway
  • Run events, campus tours and mentoring sessions
  • Join a network of other high-achieving Monash students
  • Take part in exciting leadership and networking opportunities
  • Get a Community Leaders Scholarship – $4000 per year!

We’re looking for students who have a 65% + average, can commit at least two hours per week and who have an understanding or personal experience of the barriers that can prevent students from coming to university (e.g. attending an under-represented school, financial disadvantage, first in family to attend university, non-English speaking background, living in a rural area).

Applications close at 5.00pm on Sunday October 30Apply now!

Email the Access Monash team ( if you have any questions. Good luck!

2. 2017 Prato & Malaysia Information Sessions

The Monash Law Faculty offers a program of international and comparative semi-intensive law subjects taught by distinguished academics and professionals from Australia and worldwide in Prato, Italy (April – June 2017) and Malaysia (June – August 2017).

Find out more about the application process, funding, accommodation and hear about the experience first-hand from students at these information sessions at Clayton Campus and the Monash University Law Chambers.

Clayton information session

Date: Monday 17 October 2016

Time: 1.00pm – 2.00 pm

Venue: H1 lecture theatre, Menzies Building, Clayton campus

Law Chambers information session

Date: Tuesday 18 October 2016

Time: 1.00pm – 2.00pm

Venue: Seminar room 8, 2nd floor, Monash University Law Chambers, Melbourne

3. CIArb Australia Essay Competition

The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Australia (CIArb) has announced the launch of the CIArb Australia Essay Competition.

Students are invited to write an essay of no more than 3500 words on a given topic about international commercial arbitration.

Entries are invited from students studying a Bachelor, Juris Doctor or Masters level law degree at the date the entry is submitted. The competition is also open to lawyers in their first five years of practice, and members and non-members of CIArb.

The winning author will be announced and awarded $1,000 AUD at the CIArb Australia Annual Gala Dinner on 22 November in Sydney and the essay will be published on the website and The CIArb Australia News.

The closing date for entries is Wednesday 12 October 2016 at 5:00 pm.

More information about the competition, including the essay topic, can be found here.

4. Free CIArb Australia Membership for Students

The CIArb is offering free membership for students.

Students interesting in joining should visit here.

5. Nygh Internship 2017

Are you a Postgrad student or Law graduate?

Here’s your chance to undertake an internship with Hague Conference on Private International Law in the Netherlands.

Applications for the 2017 Nygh Internship are open until Friday 30 September 2016.

Find more information here.

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