General Notices

1. Call for Student Expressions of Interest – Serious about a career at the Bar?

As you know, Monash competed in the Grand Final of the AAT Moot tonight. The problem focused on an appeal from refusal of student visa, involving issues relating to war crime, cyber crimes, and family violence. The AAT tribunal consisted of President Justice Kerr, Deputy President Forgie and Senior Member Fice.
The Monash team comprised of Sophie Caldwell and Patrick Kelly, and were up against a talented side from Tasmania. Our speakers did an excellent job, with the tribunal commenting that they were so impressed, that in 10 years of moots, they have never seen such a high standard, and in addition it was the closest of competitions, with the tribunal resorting to written submissions to determine the winner. In the end, the Tasmanian team won the final, but Sophie Caldwell was awarded best oralist.
I’m sure you will join me in congratulating them on their wonderful performance, and in thanking Jason Harkess, Janina Boughey Jonathan Clough, Maria O’Sullivan and Eric Windholz for helping the team, along with Rowena Cantley-Smith, and Kathryn Browne (sorry if I forgot anyone!).
We should all be very proud of Sophie and Patrick, but also of all the students involved in the moots. Notably, in addition to family members who came to the AAT to witness the grand final, the entire front row was full of fellow Monash mooters who all came along to lend their support, a great sign of the strong fellowship built up around the moots.





The Victorian Bar and Monash University have agreed to conduct a joint pilot program designed to enable law students from the Monash University Faculty of Law to assist in pro bono appeals in the Court of Appeal.

The Victorian Bar formulated a Duty Barristers’ Scheme 8 years ago for all Courts in Victoria and 2 years ago agreed to formulate a particular scheme to assist unrepresented litigants in the Court of Appeal.

A limited number of students will be given the opportunity of participating in the scheme by providing research assistance to barristers conducting pro bono appeals.

This pilot provides an outstanding opportunity for law students to gain valuable experience about preparation of an appeal, how barristers prepare and conduct appeals, and how the Court of Appeal operates.

Students will provide assistance of various forms, including:

(i) being provided with the Notice of Appeal that has already been filed in the proceedings;

(ii) being assigned to the Assigned Duty Barrister(s)conducting the appeal;

(iii) being assigned to a particular issue in the appeal to provide a research paper to the Assigned Duty Barrister(s);

(iv) being able to attend a conference or conferences with the Assigned Duty Barrister(s) and, possibly, the client;

(v) being able to attend the hearing of the appeal with the Assigned Duty Barrister(s); and

later, meeting with Judges of the Court of Appeal of the Supreme Court to discuss processes of the Court’s appeals generally.

To apply please email your resume, current copy of academic transcript, and an Expression of Interest of no more than 500 words outlining a) Why you wish to be included in this pilot scheme and b) What skills you can bring.

2. AAT Moot Grand Final

As you know, Monash competed in the Grand Final of the AAT Moot tonight. The problem focused on an appeal from refusal of student visa, involving issues relating to war crime, cyber crimes, and family violence. The AAT tribunal consisted of President Justice Kerr, Deputy President Forgie and Senior Member Fice.
The Monash team comprised of Sophie Caldwell and Patrick Kelly, and were up against a talented side from Tasmania. Our speakers did an excellent job, with the tribunal commenting that they were so impressed, that in 10 years of moots, they have never seen such a high standard, and in addition it was the closest of competitions, with the tribunal resorting to written submissions to determine the winner. In the end, the Tasmanian team won the final, but Sophie Caldwell was awarded best oralist.
I’m sure you will join me in congratulating them on their wonderful performance, and in thanking Jason Harkess, Janina Boughey Jonathan Clough, Maria O’Sullivan and Eric Windholz for helping the team, along with Rowena Cantley-Smith, and Kathryn Browne (sorry if I forgot anyone!).
We should all be very proud of Sophie and Patrick, but also of all the students involved in the moots. Notably, in addition to family members who came to the AAT to witness the grand final, the entire front row was full of fellow Monash mooters who all came along to lend their support, a great sign of the strong fellowship built up around the moots.

Monash competed in the Grand Final of the AAT Moot on Tuesday 4 October. The problem focused on an appeal from refusal of student visa, involving issues relating to war crime, cyber crimes, and family violence. The AAT tribunal consisted of President Justice Kerr, Deputy President Forgie and Senior Member Fice.

The Monash team comprised of Sophie Caldwell and Patrick Kelly, who were up against a talented side from Tasmania. Our speakers did an excellent job, with the tribunal commenting that they were so impressed, that in 10 years of moots, they have never seen such a high standard, and in addition it was the closest of competitions, with the tribunal resorting to written submissions to determine the winner. In the end, the Tasmanian team won the final, but Sophie Caldwell was awarded best oralist.

Congratulations to the team on their wonderful performance, and thank you to Jason Harkess, Janina Boughey Jonathan Clough, Maria O’Sullivan and Eric Windholz for helping the team, along with Rowena Cantley-Smith, and Kathryn Browne.

A special mention to fellow Monash mooters, who made up the entire front row lending their support – a great sign of the strong fellowships around the moots.

3. Vacancies available – Family Law Assistance Program (LAW 4330)

As you know, Monash competed in the Grand Final of the AAT Moot tonight. The problem focused on an appeal from refusal of student visa, involving issues relating to war crime, cyber crimes, and family violence. The AAT tribunal consisted of President Justice Kerr, Deputy President Forgie and Senior Member Fice.
The Monash team comprised of Sophie Caldwell and Patrick Kelly, and were up against a talented side from Tasmania. Our speakers did an excellent job, with the tribunal commenting that they were so impressed, that in 10 years of moots, they have never seen such a high standard, and in addition it was the closest of competitions, with the tribunal resorting to written submissions to determine the winner. In the end, the Tasmanian team won the final, but Sophie Caldwell was awarded best oralist.
I’m sure you will join me in congratulating them on their wonderful performance, and in thanking Jason Harkess, Janina Boughey Jonathan Clough, Maria O’Sullivan and Eric Windholz for helping the team, along with Rowena Cantley-Smith, and Kathryn Browne (sorry if I forgot anyone!).
We should all be very proud of Sophie and Patrick, but also of all the students involved in the moots. Notably, in addition to family members who came to the AAT to witness the grand final, the entire front row was full of fellow Monash mooters who all came along to lend their support, a great sign of the strong fellowship built up around the moots.

There are still vacancies available for students to undertake the professional practice subject at the Family Law Assistance Program at Monash Oakleigh Legal Service, Clayton during “clinical period 1”. The subject commences with an orientation session on the 27th and 28th October 2016 and students commence the subject on the 7th November 2016 through to 24th March 2017.

Students undertaking the subject, will run their own family law files under supervision, interview clients, draft documents and letters and attend the Federal Circuit Court on alternate Mondays. Students will be required to brief barristers to appear for clients and attend court to instruct the barristers. Barristers appreciate the assistance of students involved with their case and relate well to them. In a recent case, a barrister has offered to write a written reference for the student who was instructing.

The Federal Circuit Court regards highly the attendance of students from FLAP at the court. There will be opportunities for students to appear for clients in court before a Registrar or Judge, supervised by a lawyer, if the student feels that they want to gain that experience.

This is an opportunity to experience the real “nitty gritty” of case work dealing with people with real life problems.

The unit guide contains the requirements of the subject.

To enrol for this subject students should send a request through Ask.Monash:

1. Login to

2. Select the Ask a Question tab

3. Choose Student Administration from the category drop-down list

4. Type or copy/paste the following into the question field:  Law Professional Practice FLAP

5. Then tell us if you are interested in taking up a place in Family law assistance program (FLAP) LAW4330 during Clinical Period 1, 2016/2017

4. Mishpatim Seminar in Israeli and International Law – January 2017

As you know, Monash competed in the Grand Final of the AAT Moot tonight. The problem focused on an appeal from refusal of student visa, involving issues relating to war crime, cyber crimes, and family violence. The AAT tribunal consisted of President Justice Kerr, Deputy President Forgie and Senior Member Fice.
The Monash team comprised of Sophie Caldwell and Patrick Kelly, and were up against a talented side from Tasmania. Our speakers did an excellent job, with the tribunal commenting that they were so impressed, that in 10 years of moots, they have never seen such a high standard, and in addition it was the closest of competitions, with the tribunal resorting to written submissions to determine the winner. In the end, the Tasmanian team won the final, but Sophie Caldwell was awarded best oralist.
I’m sure you will join me in congratulating them on their wonderful performance, and in thanking Jason Harkess, Janina Boughey Jonathan Clough, Maria O’Sullivan and Eric Windholz for helping the team, along with Rowena Cantley-Smith, and Kathryn Browne (sorry if I forgot anyone!).
We should all be very proud of Sophie and Patrick, but also of all the students involved in the moots. Notably, in addition to family members who came to the AAT to witness the grand final, the entire front row was full of fellow Monash mooters who all came along to lend their support, a great sign of the strong fellowship built up around the moots.

The tailor made unique Mishpatim Seminar in Israeli and International Law is an opportunity not to be missed, the seminar is accredited by Monash University.

The Hebrew University aims to assist Australian students wishing to participate in this unique program. Through the generosity of our donors, financial assistance is available to qualifying students and grants are available (please enquire within). Please email if you are interested.

2017 Mishpatim brochure here

2017 Syllabus here

Australian Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem webpage

Monash Law School webpage

5. 2017 Access Monash Mentor

Want to share your story and inspire young people to study at university? Become an Access Monash Mentor for 2017!

As a Mentor you will:

  • Help students from under-represented schools decide on their pathway
  • Run events, campus tours and mentoring sessions
  • Join a network of other high-achieving Monash students
  • Take part in exciting leadership and networking opportunities
  • Get a Community Leaders Scholarship – $4000 per year!

We’re looking for students who have a 65% + average, can commit at least two hours per week and who have an understanding or personal experience of the barriers that can prevent students from coming to university (e.g. attending an under-represented school, financial disadvantage, first in family to attend university, non-English speaking background, living in a rural area).

Applications close at 5.00pm on Sunday October 30Apply now!

Email the Access Monash team ( if you have any questions. Good luck!

6. 2017 Prato & Malaysia Information Sessions

The Monash Law Faculty offers a program of international and comparative semi-intensive law subjects taught by distinguished academics and professionals from Australia and worldwide in Prato, Italy (April – June 2017) and Malaysia (June – August 2017).

Find out more about the application process, funding, accommodation and hear about the experience first-hand from students at these information sessions at Clayton Campus and the Monash University Law Chambers.

Clayton information session

Date: Monday 17 October 2016

Time: 1.00pm – 2.00 pm

Venue: H1 lecture theatre, Menzies Building, Clayton campus

Law Chambers information session

Date: Tuesday 18 October 2016

Time: 1.00pm – 2.00pm

Venue: Seminar room 8, 2nd floor, Monash University Law Chambers, Melbourne

7. Free CIArb Australia Membership for Students

The CIArb is offering free membership for students.

Students interesting in joining should visit here.

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