
1. 2018 Louis Waller Lecture

Victoria was the first place in the world to pass laws governing assisted reproduction.

It all started with the ground-breaking work of Professor Louis Waller, who led the pioneering investigation into the social, ethical and legal issues arising from IVF.

Professor Waller himself will deliver the annual Louis Waller Lecture this year, providing an historical perspective on the lead-up to assisted reproductive treatment legislation in Victoria.

Date: Wednesday 21 March 2018

Time: 5.30 – 7.00pm (5.30 arrival for 6.00pm start – refreshments provided)

Venue: State Library of Victoria, Experimedia Room, 328 Swanston Street, Melbourne

Tickets: Please register to attend this free event now, as places are limited.

2. ‘Writing judgments in, and for, contemporary Australia’ – Justice Debbie Mortimer, Federal Court of Australia

You are invited to Melbourne University Law Review‘s 2018 Annual Lecture.
Date: Tuesday 27 March
Time: 7:00pm (Drinks and canapés to follow)
Venue: David P Derham Theatre (GM15), Melbourne Law School, the University of Melbourne, 185 Pelham St Carlton 3053.
No RSVPs are necessary
The Hon Justice Debbie Mortimer of the Federal Court of Australia will deliver the Annual Lecture this year, titled: ‘Some thoughts on writing judgments in, and for, contemporary Australia’.
As in other walks of life the pace of work for, and productivity demands on, courts and judges have increased. While the obligation to explain an exercise of judicial power through published reasons is a critical obligation, the challenge for courts and judges in contemporary Australia is how to reconcile that obligation with the need to give parties outcomes to their litigation in a timely way, and to ensure that explanations for the exercise of judicial power are accessible and understandable. In her lecture, Justice Mortimer proposes to offer a perspective on these challenges.

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