
1. Public lecture: How do we address social justice issues in the law?

In the Just Leadership Program’s 10th year in 2019, the Monash Law Students’ Society is thrilled to be hosting three highly esteemed speakers at the JLP Public Lecture.

Join the Monash Law Students’ Society for an insightful discussion on how to address social justice issues in the law, featuring:

  • Professor the Honourable Marilyn Warren AC QC
  • Professor the Honourable Gareth Evans AC QC FASSA FAIIA
  • Ms Patricia Garcia AO

Date: Tuesday 17 September

Time: 1:30pm – 3:00pm

Venue: Monash Campus Centre Cinema, 21 Chancellors Walk, Clayton Campus

Registration is not required for this event. Attendance will be on a first in, best dressed basis.

If you have any queries please contact Felicia and Julian at

2. Carlton & United Breweries – Industry Seminar

Carlton & United Breweries is one of Australia’s most iconic beer companies, with a history dating back to 1832. We brew some of Australia’s most beloved beers and ciders including Victoria Bitter, Carlton Draught, Pure Blonde, Great Northern, Strongbow, Mercury and Bulmers.

At Carlton & United Breweries, it’s not about what you studied, or where you worked – it’s about what you can do. We value talented people who aren’t afraid to be bold, resourceful and committed.

We invite you to join us in the CUB Bar for a panel session with law graduates who all work in different parts of our business, from the in-house legal team to commercial, to hear about their career journeys and where a career with CUB might take you.


  • Victor Li: Legal Director – Commercial & IP
  • Sarah Hasssen: Associate Director – Tax
  • Isaac Lowrie: Director – Strategy & Planning
  • Anthony Langford: Associate Director – Commercial PPM

Seminar Details

Date: Wednesday 18 September 2019

Time: 5.00pm -7.00pm

Venue: CUB Bar, Level 20 2 Southbank Boulevard

Registration is essential before Friday 13 September : REGISTER HERE

3. Community expectations and FOI – are they at odds?

International Right to Know Day raises awareness of the importance of open and accountable government and the community’s right to access government held information.

At this important public forum, join expert guest speakers about whether community expectations of FOI and how the FOI Act is administered are at odds, and if so, how they may be reconciled.

Date: Tuesday 24 September
Time: 12:00 – 1:30pm (followed by refreshments)
Venue: The Wheeler Centre, 176 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne

Register here


  • Professor Moira Paterson, Monash University (Panel moderator)
  • Clay Lucas, The Age
  • Melanie Olynyk, Maddocks
  • Robin Davey, Victoria Police
  • Joanne Kummrow, Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner

Light refreshments will be provided at the conclusion of the event. The event will also be live streamed on Twitter for those unable to make it in person.


4. Law Ambassador Showcase

Are you interested in shaping your career? Do you want to use your entrepreneurial skills by working on a project you feel will make you and your broader cohort more employable?
Come along to the 2019 Law Ambassador Program Showcase. You’ll see some amazing project presentations from our 2019 teams and hopefully get some inspiration for a future project of your own.
Date: Wednesday 25 September 2019
Time: 5:20pm – 7:30pm (includes networking with the teams and canapés)
Location: Auditorium, Monash Law Chambers, 555 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne 3000
Interested in getting involved in the Law Ambassador Program in 2020? Learn more about the program here.

5. National Commercial Law Seminar – Recent Developments in Misleading and Unconscionable Conduct

The expert panel will discuss recent appellate authorities on misleading or deceptive conduct and statutory unconscionable conduct, including ASIC v Kobelt (High Court) and ACCC v Medibank (Full Federal Court). This seminar will provide an insight into the presenters’ differing perspectives – academic, corporate lawyer and regulatory lawyer.

Date: Wednesday 16 October

Time: 5.15pm – 6.15pm

Venue: Court 8A, Federal Court of Australia, Owen Dixon Commonwealth Law Courts Building, 305 William St, Melbourne

Registration: The event is free to attend but RSVP is essential. Register here


  • The Honourable Justice Michael O’Bryan, Judge, Federal Court of Australia


  • Professor Bryan Horrigan – Dean, Monash Law and member of the Australian Government Panel whose recommendations led to reform of the law of statutory unconscionability
  • Caroline Coops – Partner, King & Wood Mallesons
  • Katrina Close – Melbourne Director, Australian Government Solicitor

6. Are you hoping to be admitted to legal practice?

The Victorian Legal Admissions Board (VLABwill visit Monash Law Chambers (CBD) to speak about admission to the Supreme Court of Victoria, with a particular emphasis on key disclosure requirements and satisfying the Board that you are a fit and proper person to be admitted to the legal profession.

This is an important event for all law students and you should try to attend if you are able. The presentation will take 50 minutes, inclusive of question time.

The VLAB presenters will be The Hon. David Habersberger QC (VLAB Deputy Chairman) and Mrs Deborah Jones (VLAB CEO).

Date: Monday 28 October

Time: 5.00pm – 6.00pm

Venue: Monash Law Chambers, 555 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne

Register here.

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