
1. Corporate Criminal Responsibility

The ALRC is holding a series of seminars in Perth, Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane to provide an update and to encourage additional feedback into the inquiry of Australia’s corporate criminal responsibility regime.

The seminars will be led by an expert panel focusing on the ALRC’s proposed model of corporate regulation, the attribution of criminal responsibility to corporations and individual liability for corporate fault, while also discussing other aspects of the proposals. Melbourne Seminar Panel:

  • The Hon Justice SC Derrington, ALRC
  • The Hon Justice RJ Bromwich, ALRC
  • Professor Liz Campbell, Monash University
  • Professor Jonathan Clough, Monash University
  • Michael Wyles QC, Barrister

The interactive seminars present the opportunity to summarise the submissions received, indicate the ALRC’s potential direction following those submissions and to seek further feedback on the position the ALRC may adopt in its Final Report.

Learn more

2. Corporate Culture and Director Accountability

The Banking Royal Commission has served as a wake-up call for boards and advisers on corporate governance.

This panel will present perspectives from the profession and academia about the impact of the Royal Commission on corporate culture and director accountability.

Date: Wednesday 4 March

Time: 5.15pm – 6.15pm

Venue: Court 8A, Federal Court of Australia, Owen Dixon Commonwealth Law Courts Building, 305 William Street, Melbourne

Cost: Free

Register here


  • Justice Jonathan Beach Judge, Federal Court of Australia


  • Michael Borsky QC, Victorian Bar
  • Professor Jennifer Hill, Bob Baxt AO Chair, Monash Law
  • Michelle Bennett, Partner, Allens

3. Reasonable Belief in Consent: Problems and Possibilities in Rape Law Reform

Join leading academics, legal practitioners and activists for an evening of rethinking sexual consent law in Australia.

Date: Tuesday 11 February

Time: 4.45pm – 7.30pm

Venue: Monash University Law Chambers, 555 Lonsdale St, Melbourne

Cost: Free

Register here


  • Professor Jonathan Crowe, Bond University
  • Dr Rachael Burgin, Swinburne Law School
  • Katrina Marson, Churchill Fellow and Criminal Lawyer
  • Lidia Thorpe, The first Aboriginal woman in Victorian Parliament and former Greens MP

The discussion will be facilitated by Associate Professor Jacqui Horan from Monash University.

Following the panel, we invite you to enjoy a drinks and canapés reception. Saxon Mullins will launch a research and advocacy initiative at the reception.



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