Prizes and Submissions

1. Progressive Law Network Policy Essay competition – closes tonight

The Progressive Law Network invites Monash University students to share their thoughts about important and emerging issues in Public Interest Law. Get your voice heard on a public law or law reform issue and share your thoughts on how an area of public law can promote access to justice and fair policies for all. This year’s topic is: What is the most important public interest law issue of this new decade? 

Enter for a chance to win a ticket to the Castan Centre Conference: Human Rights 2020. 

The winning essay will also be recommended for publication in the Alternative Law Journal (subject to their review). The top five essays will be published with the launch of the new PLN website. 

Submissions are open now through this link. Essays must be submitted by 29 May midnight.

Judging the competition are Assc. Prof. Julie Debeljak, Assc. Prof. Patrick Emerton and Former Supreme Court Justice Kevin Bell AC QC. 

2. International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR)

The International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) fosters international connections and interdisciplinary conversations between undergraduates from partner institutions.

ICUR was established through a collaboration between staff at Monash University and the University of Warwick in 2013, and is supported by the Monash Warwick Alliance between these two leading universities. ICUR now annually includes up to eleven institutions across four continents.

Deadline for Abstract Submissions is Sunday 31 May. Learn more

3. International Arbitration Essay Competition

The Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (ACICA) is Australia’s international dispute resolution institution.

ACICA is pleased to launch its inaugural essay competition in 2020, aimed at providing an opportunity for students and young lawyers to engage with current debate and be involved with the arbitration community.

The 2020 ACICA Essay Competition is open to students based in Australia studying a Bachelor, Juris Doctor or Masters level law degree in 2020, and to lawyers in their first five years of practice. We are excited to announce that the 2020 topic is International Arbitration & Climate Change. Further details about the topic and submission requirements are contained on the attached flyer. The deadline for submissions is 31 July 2020, with the winner being announced by 2 September 2020.

Learn more

4. Australian Academy of Law Essay Prize

NB: Suitable to Masters, PHD students, or others who possess a current legal qualification.

The Australian Academy of Law is pleased to announce the Annual Essay Prize for 2020.

The Prize is open to anyone, wherever resident, who possesses a recognised legal qualification suitable for legal admission purpose in any jurisdiction obtained not more than eight years prior to the closing date for the submission of essays.

The Prize is worth $10,000.

The essay topic for the Prize in 2020 is as follows:

“The impact of a new and widespread contagious disease on pre-existing contractual obligations. Note: Earlier ‘new’ outbreaks of infectious diseases may be taken into account.”

The deadline for the submission of an essay is 31 August 2020. Learn more

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