
1. Honours Information Session

Many of the Faculty’s top students in their penultimate or last year of law elect to enrol in the Honours Research Unit (Honours Thesis LAW5207).

The Honours Research Unit is a 12 credit point unit intended for students with an interest and aptitude to produce a significant piece of original work in an area of the law that fascinates them. The Unit involves students writing an 8-10,000 word thesis under the supervision of an academic member of staff, on a topic chosen by the student, and approved by the Honours Convenor.

Students also attend 3 symposiums throughout the year, designed to support them through the research process. At the end of the year students present their thesis findings to their peers and invited guests at a 2 day Honours Conference.

To be eligible for the Honours Research Unit, students must have an average of 72% or better across their law units, and have no more than 72 credit points remaining to complete the requirements of their law degree.

Date: Tues 8th Oct
Time: 1pm
Location: L2, Bld 12

Further information on the Honours programme can also be found on the Honours website, at

2. Surrogacy and Adoption: Pitfalls and Promises

Chief Judge John Pascoe

Will discuss the rapid advance of international commercial surrogacy (ICS). ICS raises complex legal, ethical and moral questions. Apart from the question of parentage, one of the greatest problems with ICS is how to protect the rights of vulnerable surrogate mothers?

Professor Nahum Mushin
Will discuss the national apology for people affected by forced adoptions and the implementation of the concrete measures flowing from it. The question of the future of adoption will be considered.

Professor Denise Cuthbert
Will look at tensions in the understandings of intercountry adoption as a service for adults seeking children for family formation as distinct from a service for children in need of family-based care and asks how we as a community can reconcile these tensions.

Dr Adiva Sifris
Monash University, Faculty of Law

Date: Wednesday 2 October 2014
Time: 6 – 7.30pm
Venue: Monash University Law Chambers, 555 Lonsdale St, Melbourne
Cost: Free
RSVP: Friday 27 September 2013/ or 03 9905 2630

Further information and flyer

3. Book Launch

The Honourable Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria, Marilyn Warren AC will launch:

Best Practice in Construction Disputes: Avoidance, Management and Resolution

By Dr Paula Gerber and Brennan Ong

The Honourable Justice Vickery will be the MC for this event

Date: Wednesday, 2 October 2013
Time: 6 – 7.30pm
Venue: Supreme Court of Victoria Library 210 William Street, Melbourne
RSVP: Thursday, 26 September (essential for catering purposes)/ Email: or (03) 9905 2630

Further information

4. Save the Date – Gala Dinner

In 2014 Monash Law School will celebrate 50 years. Please save the date for our Gala Dinner which will be held on Saturday 28th June, 2014 at the Grand Hyatt in Melbourne. Further event information will be circulated in the coming months.

5. Save the Date- Lucinda Lecture

The Honourable Justice Virginia Bell AC, Justice of The High Court of Australia will present the 19th Lucinda Lecture.

Title: TBC
Date:Thursday 24th October, 2013
Time: 1pm -2pm
Location: Clayton Campus, Building 08 / Rotunda 1

Further details to come.

6. African Voice Launch

Should the West intervene to stop mass atrocities? When are humanitarian interventions legitimate?

African Voice invites you to consider these issues through a debate featuring Monash Law Faculty’s World Champion debaters about the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) doctrine.

The pioneer of the R2P, Professor the Hon Gareth Evans AC QC, will introduce and adjudicate the debate, which will be followed by a Q & A session. Professor Evans is a former Australian Foreign Minister and is President Emeritus of the International Crisis Group.

African Voice is a non profit organisation, sponsored by the Monash Law Faculty, that sends the world’s best debaters to run free debating workshops aimed at empowering African students. It is seeking funding for initiatives in Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda and Kenya.

Date: Monday October 7
Time: 6 pm – 8 pm
Venue: Monash Law Chambers (555 Lonsdale St, Melbourne)
Cost: Free (suggested donation $5)
RSVP: Book tickets at by October 3


7. Public Interest Law Careers Guide Event

Come along to the Progressive Law Network’s Career Kick-start and get real-life advice from final year students and graduates on what you need to do, when you need to do it and where you can look for opportunities:

• Discover the Castan Centre/PLN Public Interest Law Careers Guide

• Find out about Judicial Associate work

• Get the lowdown on Practical Legal Training

• Learn about the benefits of Barrister Shadowing

• Go bush, young lawyer – Remote/Rural/Regional lawyering

• Access useful resources to kick-start your own research

Date and time: 18 September 4.30 – 6pm

Venue: L2 Lecture theatre, Law Building (Blg 12), Monash Clayton Campus


Free sushi and snacks!

Full details:

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