Large cohort starts at Gippsland Medical School

The Gippsland Medical School welcomed 90 Year A students as the 2012 cohort, all starting on Monday 23 January.

The first day included a ‘Welcome to Country’ by Mr. Wayne Thorpe, then Gippsland Pro Vice Chancellor, Professor Helen Bartlett and Professor Judi Walker, Head School of Rural Health, along with Associate Professor William Hart, Director Gippsland Medical School, each addressed the students.

The next day the students attended an awards presentation for the highest achieving students from the 2011 Year A cohort. First Prize in Academic Excellence for the Highest Achiever in Year A 2011 was awarded to Elizabeth Duffett, while Matthew Brain and Frances Harkin also received awards for high achievement in Year A 2011.

For the 2012 students, last Wednesday (25 January) included an ‘Inspirational Speakers’ session given by Professor Ed Byrne and Dr Ranjana Srivistava to help inspire them for their first year of medical studies.

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