Traralgon launch celebrates 20 years of School of Rural health

The first 20 years of training models designed to boost rural health workforces – now recognised nationally and internationally – is being celebrated this year and was officially launched at a ceremony in the Latrobe Valley on Sunday 18 March.

The Monash University School of Rural Health started life as the Centre for Rural Health in a small office in the former Moe Hospital in 1992, but has grown to being an important component of the Monash University medical faculty.  The School of Rural Health delivers training for Monash University medical, nursing and allied health students in a rural setting.

The launch at the Gippsland Regional Clinical School campus in Traralgon, adjacent to Latrobe Regional Hospital, signalled the start of numerous activities.

Professor Judi Walker at the launch, with Associate Professor Daryl Pedler and Professor Roger Strasser joining from Canada via Skype.

Professor Judi Walker at the launch, with Associate Professor Daryl Pedler and Professor Roger Strasser joining from Canada via Skype.

Head of the School of Rural Health, Professor Judi Walker, said various celebrations over the year would acknowledge the achievements of the School of Rural Health since 1992 and look to further innovations over the next 20 years.

“ The school now has working partnerships with hospitals, general practices and regional health services from Mildura through to Orbost.

“Since 2003 alone, the program has introduced over 7,550 students to the opportunities, challenges and rewards of clinical practice in a rural setting and has been successful in encouraging some of our graduates to live and work in rural Victoria or indeed rural Australia. The concept has proved successful to the point where it is the basis for similar programs in other parts of Australia and the world.

“Our teaching program is complemented by an active research program into rural health workforce recruitment and retention and support for health services to develop their existing workforce’s skills.”

One of the highlights of the launch was a live video presentation by Professor Roger Strasser from his current base in Canada.

Professor Strasser was one of the driving forces behind development of the Centre for Rural Health, the forerunner of the current School of Rural Health and he entertained the audience with tales of the early days based in the former Moe Campus of Latrobe Regional Hospital.

Professor Strasser moved to Canada several years ago to the role of Founding Dean of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine, a position he still holds. He was the inaugural Professor of Rural Health for Monash University and Head of the School of Rural Health.

It was a simple launch with guests enjoying a barbecue luncheon then a short ceremony including Professor Strasser’s presentation.

Other activities are being planned for the rest of the year in Gippsland, East Gippsland, Churchill, Moe, Bendigo and Mildura, all of which are  School of Rural Health sites for clinical teaching and research.

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