Media networking at Mildura

Mildura Regional Clinical School has jumped on the front foot with its local media, inviting all of the local news outlets to enjoy a cup of tea and a chat at the Mildura Regional clinical School. Representatives from WIN TV, Sunraysia Daily newspaper, Mildura Weekly newspaper, Radio 3MA / FM radio and ABC Radio were all included in the invitation to meet the staff and view the facilities.

Mildura RCS invited local media for a morning to see what the clinical school offers. They now have six stories to run over the next few weeks.

Mildura RCS invited local media for a morning to see what the clinical school offers. They now have six stories to run over the next few weeks.

The purpose of the media morning activities was to showcase the facilities and learning opportunities at Mildura Regional Clinical School, to alert local reporters to the presence and activities of the medical school and to facilitate publication and broadcast of stories about medical students or the clinical school through the local media outlets.

The reporters who attended were blown away by the quality of the facilities, especially their SimMan experience, and the positive endorsements they received from current students. A bonus to the media morning was the establishment of good networking relationships with the newsmakers and reporters; to put a face to a name and create an easy working relationship so that when reportable events are coming up the School has acceptance and good standing with the media world.

The report of the information session was aired on WIN news in April. In all, the print and television agencies now have six stories that they will run over the next couple of months, helping to raise Monash Mildura’s profile.

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