MJA features parental mental illness

MUDRIH has made a major contribution to a recent Medical Journal of Australia supplement dealing with parental mental illness
Monash University Department of Rural and Indigenous Health academics have made a major contribution to a recent supplement of the Medical Journal of Australia (MJA): Parental Mental Illness is a Family Matter.
As well as co-authoring two of the 11 papers in the supplement, Associate Professor Maybery (MUDRIH) joined colleagues Dr Andrea Reupert and Dr Nick Kowalenko from Monash and Sydney University respectively to co-edit the supplement.
One of the key messages was that mental illness impacts on more than the individual. In families where a parent has a mental illness, children are affected in many and often adverse ways.
The supplement was undertaken in collaboration with the National Children of Parents with a Mental Illness (COPMI) Initiative. The supplement includes 11 papers from renowned International and Australian authors (two co-authored by Associate Professor Maybery, and notably an editorial from Australian of the year, Professor Patrick McGorry.
MJA is Australia’s leading peer-reviewed general medical journal, with an impact factor of 2.68 and in an ERA 2010 rank of A.