Old hospital makes way for the new

Two men worked at the top of the chimney for days reducing it to this height. The rest was knocked down by machine in a morning.

Two men worked at the top of the chimney for days reducing it to this height. The rest was knocked down by machine in a morning.

The landscape of Bendigo has changed with the demolition of buildings to make way for the new Bendigo Hospital site at the back of the Anne Caudle Centre.

The landmark tall chimney that was part of the laundry building for the old hospital and has stood for half a century, has been demolished as part of the demolition works. In the original hospital briquettes were burnt to generate steam and the tall chimney was for the smoke and combustion gases.

After removal of asbestos over many weeks, the demolition of the boiler house, chimney, commercial laundry, in-ground diesel tanks, building foundations, redundant services and equipment has started. The Ambulance Victoria building alongside the Bendigo Regional Clinical School will also be removed soon.

The photos show the old building as it was, works taking place as part of the demolition and the after photo with the chimney removed from the landscape.

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