Teddy Bear Hospital proves a hit in East Gippsland

The first East Gippsland teddy bear hospital was a great success.

The first East Gippsland teddy bear hospital was a great success.

The first Teddy Bear Hospital run in East Gippsland proved a fantastic event. Coordinated by Year 3B student, Cassie Coetzee, and ably assisted by other students, the Teddy Bear Hospital was held mid July at Sale campus.

Some 50 students from the local Araluen Primary School attended, with teddies of all shapes and sizes. They even included a huge one-metre teddy, a well-loved shark, a couple of knitted dolls and a kangaroo.

Stations were set up for the emergency department, surgery, hygiene, plastering and ambulance among others. Groups of children went to each station and rotated through all areas.

The concentration was palpable and the room was quiet considering there was such a large group of seven year olds – one accompanying teacher even commented on the fact that there was not one request for a toilet break, a sure sign the children were totally engrossed in what they were seeing.

It was a huge effort but the rewards for both medical students and the visiting primary children were great.

Everyone was pleased with how well the event was received by the teachers and pupils and how smoothly it ran. So good in fact, that the school has already asked if it will be done again!

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