GMS welcomes two new staff

Gippsland Medical School has welcomed two new appointments, Ms Michelle Machado and Dr Nicole Wallis.

Both have qualifications in the biomedical sciences and will make significant contributions to theme III teaching. They will also play important roles in the implementation of MBBS assessment in the Gippsland region.

Nicole’s areas of expertise are neuroscience and pharmacology. She has recently completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the Howard Florey Research Institute. Nicole will support assessment implementation across Years A, 3B and 4C.

Michelle has been associated with the school since 2009 and impressed with the quality of her teaching. She will be responsible for the coordination of Year A assessment and will provide support to assessment in the other years of the program when required. She will continue to be involved in the Year A anatomy program and teach some aspects of physiology.

Michelle and Nicole officially started their new appointments in mid September.

Michelle Machado

Michelle Machado

Nicole Wallis

Nicole Wallis

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