31 hours from Vermont South to Thunder Bay

I left home at 6am on Saturday 6 October and by the time I arrived in Thunder Bay, Northern Ontario I’d been travelling for 31 hours! Arrived late at night – took a trusty Melatonin to regulate the body clock and slept for 10-11 hours. Jet lag? What jet lag?

Have spent the first two days acclimitising to our new environment and seeing some of the local sites along with Kendall Livingstone from Mildura Regional Clinical School and Elaine Evans from Gippsland Regional Clinical School. Will post up some pics ss soon as I work out how to do this. Have also managed to get in early for on-site Rendez-Vous 2012 registration to beat the rush of around 800 people expected tomorrow morning prior to the conference kicking off mid-morning.

So far the weather has been great. Cold, but sunny or just a bit of cloud. We had some rain tonight and I believe they’ve predicted fresh snow falls before the week is over.

Am hopeful of catching a glimpse of the northern lights on a clear night this week….fingers crossed.

Laura Major
Manager, Rural Education Program

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