Bendigo Trauma Day again a success

The reputation of Bendigo Regional Clinical School’s Trauma Day has been upheld with yet another successful event.

More than 30 enthusiastic Year 3 and Year 5 medical students arrived ready to be put through their paces, with Simulated Learning Environment Clinical Educators Adele Callaghan and Cathy Driver ready to guide them through the day.

Dr Diana Badcock kicked the day off with a relevant and practical revision of primary and secondary survey. By the end of her session, the students were dreaming about Airway, (with cervical stabilization!), breathing, and circulation.

Diana’s innovative presentation design ensured that each and every participant was able to contribute to and share intellectual material.

Students reported that having so many committed experts teaching was a key factor in the success of the day. Students loved the opportunity to roll up their sleeves and practice in real scenarios with questions being thrown at them and having to respond to critical changes in patient conditions.

Student feedback was overwhelmingly positive and comments about aspects of the day that worked well included ‘Well organized’ ‘Everything’  ‘Trauma Scenarios’ ‘Good hands-on procedural stuff’ and ‘I liked how teaching was at the start and application followed it.’

This kind of success depends on dedicated people willing to put in their time and expertise and we are extremely grateful for their input. By all accounts, next year’s Trauma Day will have a lot to live up to!

By Adele Callaghan and Cathy Driver

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