Girls’ night in helps cancer research

Plans for a ‘girls night in’ to help cancer research have grown and grown for Gippsland Regional Clinical School’s Senior Clinical Educator, Meagan Presley.

Meagan has planned the event after a very difficult year in which both her maternal and paternal grandmothers have been diagnosed with cancer.

Taking a lead from both women, who have been very positive about the future, Meagan has started a fund raising exercise through the Girls’ Night In program, which encourages people to get together and donate some dollars for cancer research.

She and her sister have organised an event for their friends and family, which was going to be dinner with a few friends, but now has become big enough to book the function room at the local footy club this Friday (9 November.) For those throughout the School of Rural Health who may like to contribute, an online system has been set up using the link below.

Meagan hasn’t had to look any further than her grandmothers for inspiration.

“Sadly this year our family has been deeply affected by cancer,” Meagan says in her Girls’ Night In message. “Both my Nanna and Grandmother were diagnosed with cancer.

“My Nanna has had extensive facial surgery and radiation therapy to a cancer on her face. Unfortunately the cancer spread and recently she has had to have her entire eye removed. In the last few weeks whilst recovering from the loss of her eye, she has also found out that she now has breast cancer and is waiting on more surgery and radiation treatment.

“My grandma only a few weeks earlier was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and she is also waiting to start chemo and radio therapy, however she has been told that neither have much chance of success.”

However, despite all of this they are both very positive about the future and a huge inspiration to the family, Meagan says.

“I have always wanted to contribute to cancer funding especially caring for patients who go through so much and never complain. I feel with these recent events there is no better year for me to help raise some money for cancer research.

“I’m sure I’m not alone in knowing someone affected by cancer, so please if you are able to you can help out by making a donation online by following the link below, or you can contact me on 0412 796 790 or for further details.”

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