Ode to the OSCEs

With the OSCEs just around the corner we thought it appropriate to publish this poem penned last year by Gillian Fallon from the Bendigo Regional Clinical School as an ode to the OSCEs.

All is quiet
The air is tight
Fingernails are there
To bite

Heads in hands
Toes a-tapping
Furrowed brows
Jaws firmly clenched
Waiting, waiting
For the OSCE
To commence.

Bell has rung
Move to station
Frantic read
Scribble notes
And seek

Again the bell
Take the plunge
Open the door
Your consult
Has begun

Minds a-scrambling
Pulses racing
Breathe in deeply
Yes, take a breath

Slow the speech
Talk succinctly
Listen to the patient
Be calm, keep cool.

The bell peals out
The consult ends
What’s done is done
Move on.

The OSCE’s have
Just begun.

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