Reporting in…

Have you published a research article or presented your research at a conference during 2012?

It is important for yourself and the School that all research publications are recorded into the University databases.  To help the Office of Research manage workload in the lead-up to the publications collections deadlines in February, please submit your publications (books, book chapters, journal articles, conference presentations) for processing as soon as possible after publication. When submitting a publication please ensure you provide all relevant information to expedite the process.

Publication information folders have been provided to research staff and they contain guidelines to facilitate the process for each academic prior to submitting their publications to the Office of Research.  If you need a copy of the folder, please contact Sandra Paschkow (5440 9084) in the North-West or Janelle McGrail (5128 1016) in the South-East.

Please ensure that all requested information on the Publication Form (eg. A1 Books, C1, C4 Journal article, FOR codes) is sent with a copy of the article to the Janelle McGrail in the South-East or Sandra Paschkow in the North-West.  Any questions regarding publications can be directed towards Janelle, Sandra or Cathy Ward.

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