Rural Health Research Retreat sets 2013 direction

Participants at the Rural Health Research Retreat

Participants at the Rural Health Research Retreat

Over two days in mid-January, 41 staff gathered in Melbourne to determine the future research direction for the School of Rural Health, with recommendations from the retreat to provide a key platform for the future research program.

Professor Ian Smith, Pro Vice-Chancellor Research and Research Infrastructure, and Professor Ross Coppel, Deputy Dean Research – Faculty, joined Professor Judi Walker and Leigh Kinsman in presenting the current research direction and activities at the University, Faculty and School levels.

Working groups then considered various topics related to the School’s strategic plan and developed recommendations for the way forward.

A report will be presented to the School’s Executive meeting this month (February) with an implementation plan for recommendations and actions identified by the attendees.

Attendees commented that the retreat had provided plenty of opportunities to present thoughts on the School’s research plan with the atmosphere allowing in-depth and interactive discussions.

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