Sixth intake starts at Gippsland Medical School

The three local students, now doctors, who attended Kurnai College just down the road from Gippsland Medical School, are pictured at the graduation with Mr Geoff Booth (Co-Principal, Kurnai College). They are Dr Danielle Winkelman, Dr Andrew Thomas and Dr Carly Jennings.

The three local students, now doctors, who attended Kurnai College just down the road from Gippsland Medical School, are pictured at the graduation with Mr Geoff Booth (Co-Principal, Kurnai College). They are Dr Danielle Winkelman, Dr Andrew Thomas and Dr Carly Jennings.

The Gippsland Medical School welcomed 82 Year A students last week, the School’s sixth intake.  The first week included a number of highlights as part of the introductory activities.

The new cohort was addressed by Professor Robin Pollard, Vice Chancellor and President, Gippsland Campus; Professor Judi Walker, Head of School of Rural Health; Professor Ben Canny, Deputy Dean, MBBS & Head of Program, Central MBBS; and Professor Shane Bullock, Acting Director Gippsland Medical School.

The winner of the Academic Excellence for he Highest Achiever in Year A 2012 is Jamie Croft.

The presentation was followed by a musical interlude by Associate Professor Brian Chapman.

On the following day, the students attended a team building day run by the Clinical Skills Team involving many hands-on activities, including a simulated bus creash.

Dr David Iser, a well-respected general practitioner from Foster, gave the ‘Inspirational Speakers’ address on Friday, 1 February.

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