Orientation Weeks at Bendigo

All students have enjoyed their 2013 Orientation Weeks at Bendigo Regional Clinical School, although not in the rooms in which they will spend most of this year.

Year 3 students commenced on 4 February and Year 4 students the following week. As the school was undergoing significant renovations to its building, which saw nearly all class rooms out of action, a significant amount of work was put into finding alternative venues to hold the orientation programs.

The Year 3 students were based in the new La Trobe University clinical teaching building adjacent to Bendigo’s and the clinical school was very grateful that colleagues at La Trobe were able to help out.  The Year 4 students had most of their programs delivered at the previous Monash University building at Lister House.

Renovations are now almost complete and everyone is looking forward to not having to move between buildings for lectures.  A welcome dinner was held on Tuesday 12 February where all students from Year levels 3 – 5 were welcomed to the region and had the opportunity to meet some of their lecturers and staff for their year.

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