Warragul student earns scholarship

Monash University Year 4C medical student, Caroline Shipley, has earned a scholarship to assist in her studies with the School of Rural Health in Gippsland.

Caroline, who is studying at the Warragul Campus of Gippsland Regional Clinical School, is the recipient of this year’s ‘Walter and Eliza Hall Trust Opportunity Scholarship – Physical Disability.’

The scholarship is a boost for Caroline, who has already achieved remarkable things to pursue her medical studies.

Caroline had a stroke at age 26 after she had a rare brain tumour removed, which has left her with some residual problems like balance and easy fatigue.  Caroline also has arthritis and required knee surgery last year following a fall on a ward round.

Despite these issues and the obstacles involved as a single parent of a child with special needs, Caroline is continuing her studies.

“Whilst I’m still very much engrossed in the study, fascinated by the human body (and how much we still don’t understand, particularly in the fields of genetic and immunology) I’ve reached that point in a medical student’s career where it’s very clear how little I actually know and how long and difficult this journey is.

“Would I still do it knowing then what I do now?  Absolutely, but I might have deferred a year or two and spent more time at home with my child whilst he was still little. And had a really good holiday somewhere nice first, because I haven’t had time to have one since I started!”

Caroline’s commitment has been commended by all at the Gippsland Regional Clinical School.

Caroline Shipley

Caroline Shipley

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