The great Gippsland scenery challenge …

South Gippsland - the view at Port Welshpool

South Gippsland - the view at Port Welshpool

While SLE Project coordinator Laurea Atkinson was loading up her mannequins to head further east to the picturesque town of Mallacoota Deb Johnson headed south to cover leave in South Gippsland.

Photos were being exchanged as to who had the best views when they got out of bed each morning.

Being budget conscious, Deb was staying at her Mum’s in Port Welshpool and Laurea was staying at the short term ambulance accommodation in Mallacoota.

We will let you be the judge as to which you think is the best breakfast view, however it was decided that the coast from South Gippsland all the way to far East Gippsland is pretty spectacular.

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