Thanks a Million to volunteers
A ‘Thanks a Million’ afternoon tea party was held for volunteers at Latrobe Community Health Service (LCHS) in mid-May during Volunteers’ Week.
According to Jane Taylor, the MUDRIH lecturer who supervises a student-centred clinic at LCHS, the volunteers are “our secret weapon in providing a powerful role in student learning.”
“The volunteers are first trained as simulated clients, and they are on call to be interviewed by Interprofessional pairs of students. We were delighted to honour two of our faithful volunteer simulated clients, who have attended regularly since the student clinic started in 2010, amongst the finalists in the ‘Volunteer of the Year’. Some of our volunteers who are our simulated clients attended for the party along with many other LCHS volunteers.”
The ‘Thanks a Million’ volunteer afternoon tea had a 1960’s Rock and Roll theme.
Kerry Bell, administrative officer at MUDRIH for the GRIPS project and who also works at LCHS, collaborated with the LCHS volunteer coordinator Joanne Creighton to create a sixties ambiance. Kerry provided some of the music and posters and also led a troupe of enthusiastic and nimble footed rock ‘n roll dancers.
“Our MoU with LCHS is often serious, but sharing in a celebratory event such as the afternoon tea is just as important as the more academic side of our collaborations within the community health service,” Jane added.