Interprofessional facilitator workshops

During March the Gippsland Clinical Placement Network (CPN) provided fully funded workshops in three sites across Gippsland open to any health practitioners who wanted to develop skills as interprofessional facilitators.

The coordinator, Glenda McPherson from the CPN, said she was pleased to offer the workshops at Bairnsdale and Leongatha as well as Morwell, as it provided easier access for rural practitioners who frequently find themselves travelling long distances for any professional development activities.

The workshops were delivered in two sections on each day, starting with a basic interprofessional facilitation segment. Experienced educators were invited to stay for a second ‘train the trainer’ segment.

The workshops are the brainchild of Mollie Burley, senior lecturer at MUDRIH, whose passion is to develop practitioners’ skills to enhance the interprofessional supervision of students and to champion the benefits of collaborative practice for staff to improve patient care.

The workshops were delivered collaboratively by Jane Taylor working with other MUDRIH staff, Michelle Butler, Jenny Moloney and Fiona McCook.

Jane said, “We always walk the walk as well as talk the talk, by having two different disciplines co-presenting. It adds to the richness of the examples as well as modelling collaboration at the same time.

“As a result there are now a number of trained interprofessional facilitators across Gippsland ready and able to deliver this workshop package to more of their own staff to encourage different professions to work more collaboratively.”

For more information contact Jane Taylor:

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