Simulation lab intern training

Highly regarded Gippsland paediatrician Dr Austen Erasmus, who is also Senior Lecturer with the East Gippsland Regional Clinical School Year 4C program, gets a real kick out of teaching junior doctors and students.

Following are his thoughts on the benefits gained by using the simulation facility at the Sale campus.

As part of the Junior Medical Resident Officer (JMRO) Paediatric rural rotation, Loy Perryman and myself have organised a simulation evening during the resident rotation to Sale.  

We specifically present a scenario where the young doctor has to prepare for, then put into action and practically demonstrate how they would go about managing an ill baby or toddler.  

This not only tests the young doctor’s theoretical knowledge but more importantly helps us, in a friendly and non-threatening environment, to constructively give them pointers to improve on their skills. It also helps them to consider very important resuscitative principles that they may not know, possibly may have forgotten or even simply not practiced in a long time.

The Monash Sale Simulation Centre and the equipment available are fantastic and state of the art.  It’s a spacious, well set out lab and conducive to excellence and learning.  

I applaud the staff who work tirelessly behind the scene and give up their own personal time, and accommodate all personnel and students.

The best ‘kick’ I get from this program is that, by teaching junior doctors and imparting knowledge that can be life-saving, they are taught good habits that will stay with them and help them to be safe, capable physicians who are more confident in their abilities.  

If inspired they have the opportunity to come back and practise more intubations, look through equipment, even practise drawing up drugs or “play” with the defibrillator – all under supervision of course!

Dr Austen Erasmus, Paediatrician, Central Gippsland Health Service, Senior Lecturer, EGRCS Year 4C Program, Sale campus


Dr Austen Erasmus is pictured with an intern during a training session in the simulation lab at Sale.

Dr Austen Erasmus is pictured with an intern during a training session in the simulation lab at Sale.



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