Gippsland academics present to health educators

Gippsland Regional Clinical School Deputy Director, Dr Cathy Haigh, travelled to New Zealand in June to present at the ANZAHPE (Australia and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators) annual conference in Rotorua.

This year is the 40th conference of the organisation which aims to promote, support and advance education in the health professions while also facilitating communication between educators.

Cathy presented on the topic ‘Learning in the Clinical Workplace: A Qualitative Analysis of Reflections of Final Year Medical Students’ as part of the Learning in the Workplace session and also presented an e-poster, which described the simulated disaster multi-agency training opportunity afforded to Year 4C students in Gippsland recently.

Associate Professor William Hart from Gippsland Medical School was another School of Rural Health representative at the conference, presenting on two topics. One was titled: ‘Final Year Medical Students’ Perceptions of Feedback to Support Learning: A Qualitative Study’ and the other: ‘Is Good Medical Practice Predictable From Student Selection Measures?’

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