MUDRIH garden honours Marlene’s wonderful contribution

Marlene is pictured with Elaine Duffy (left) and Dot Angel at the morning tea in her honour.

Marlene is pictured with Elaine Duffy (left) and Dot Angel at the morning tea in her honour.

The contribution of Professor Marlene Drysdale to the School of Rural Health will continue to be acknowledged through the development and naming of a garden in her honour.

A proud and strong Aboriginal woman who is currently Adjunct Professor for the School for Indigenous Health Clayton, Marlene was employed at Monash University from 2002 until 2012 as the Head of the Indigenous Health Unit and occasional Acting Deputy Director for the Department of Rural and Indigenous Health within the School of Rural Health and Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences.

For 15 years prior to that Marlene worked within the Centre for Australian Indigenous Studies at the Churchill Campus in Gippsland.

Naming of the MUDRIH courtyard garden honoured her dedicated service to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education and research during her substantial time at Monash. Many colleagues, students, friends and community members attended the official naming ceremony and listened to the accolades presented. Local community member and Anglican Minister Ms Kathy Dalton provided a ‘Welcome to Country’ for the occasion and Acting Director Ms Mollie Burley officiated at the ceremony which was followed by a morning tea.

Marlene said she is “thrilled” to have her contribution to Monash University recognised through the MUDRIH Garden as it “embraces my passion for gardening and continuing passion and commitment to the Indigenous Health Unit.”

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