Archive for the ‘Mildura RCS’ Category

Performance results validate rural program

Wednesday, March 7th, 2012

One of the most common questions asked at Open Day is: will I be disadvantaged educationally by studying outside Melbourne? Students are concerned they will miss out on resources and support provided to their Clayton-based counterparts. An analysis of Year 4 MBBS assessment results for 2011 has clearly demonstrated this is not the case. (more…)

$2 million grant expands simulated learning

Friday, February 10th, 2012

Opportunities for students and health services to use simulated learning environments for clinical training are expanding, with a $2 million state government grant in January to the Loddon Mallee Clinical Placement Network (CPN) of which Bendigo Regional Clinical School is a member.

Expanding training opportunities to health professionals
Over two years, the grant will cover the expansion of simulated learning environments at the Bendigo and Mildura Regional Clinical Schools as well as some additional staff, including a facilities co-ordinator.

Professor Geoff Solarsh, Monash’s representative on the Loddon Mallee CPN, is enthusiastic about the broader implications of the grant. (more…)