Archive for the ‘Mildura’ Category

New part task trainers arrive in Mildura

Tuesday, April 1st, 2014
The new part task trainers will help both students and hospital trainees

The new part task trainers will help both students and hospital trainees

The School of Rural Health – Mildura’s new simulation centre now has over 25 new Somso anatomy models thanks to its close collaboration with the Emergency Department of the Mildura Base Hospital.

The Clinical Skills and Simulation Laboratory is used by hospital trainees as well as Monash students and tutors and the models will help in learning and preparation for exams.

Alliance broadens paediatrics experience

Tuesday, April 1st, 2014

Year 4 student, Daniel McDonald, was a willing patient for one budding health professional at the Total Learning Centre

Year 4 student Daniel McDonald receives attention from his ‘carer’

Mildura-based Year 4 students now have new opportunities to experience rural paediatrics practice with Mallee Family Care.

The family services provider serves communities along the Murray River from Swan Hill to Mildura and into south-western New South Wales. Families who need support from family services generally have a range of needs which can affect a child’s development.

Year 4 students have been welcomed into various Mallee Family Care children-focused and mental health programs, giving them the students the chance to broaden their experience. Year 4 student, Daniel McDonald, was a willing patient for one budding health professional at the Total Learning Centre, which operates from the Mildura Primary School.

Mildura opens sim lab extension

Friday, February 28th, 2014

Close to life: Year 5 student, Kavya Kudithipudi , demonstrates how real the sim manikins can be for local media

Close to life: Year 5 student, Kavya Kudithipudi , demonstrates how real the sim manikins can be for local media

Member for Mallee, Andrew Broad MP, officially opened Mildura’s extension to its clinical simulation laboratory on Thursday 20 February.

Guests at the opening included included Mildura’s Mayor, Glen Milne, and Chairman of the Mallee Health Foundation, Ross Lanyon. The foundation donated $140,000 towards the purchase of teaching aids for the facility.

Those facilities now include a simulation family: SimMan 3G, SimMom, SimBaby and SimNeonate. Student volunteers proudly demonstrated just what the manikins can do. Simulated symptoms, they showed, are very life-like!

Broken Hill trip begins Year 3 semester

Friday, February 28th, 2014

Year 3 students based in Mildura began the year with a trip to Broken Hill to see firsthand what it’s like living, working and practising in remote areas. This is Dustin Lê’s report.

Down the mine: students learned about health (and injuries) in mining. L-R: Tom deVries, Tom Curtis, Eve Malsen, Emma Sanderson, Katrina Fernandez, Hannah Karl, Sarah Wong, Peter Stark,  Michelle Seckington, Dustin Lé,  Alex Rofe, Hashm Albarki

Down the mine: students learned about health (and injuries) in mining during a vist to the Day Dream Mine in Broken Hill. L-R: Tom deVries, Tom Curtis, Eve Malsen, Emma Sanderson, Katrina Fernandez, Hannah Karl, Sarah Wong, Peter Stark, Michelle Seckington, Dustin Lé, Alex Rofe, Hashm Albarki

It was only our second week in Mildura and Mildura’s Year 3B students were off to another state. I guess it’s quite easy to travel interstate when you live on the border! Early on a Tuesday morning, Year 3B along with Kate Murdoch, Jenny Timmis and Howard Cook we departed Mildura in our exclusive private bus to Broken Hill, NSW. The wildlife was prolific, with emus and kangaroos bounding across the road.

By the time we arrived in Broken Hill and stepped off the bus, we were hit by a tremendous 45 degree heat wave !

Our first stop in this hot remote town was to the Royal Flying Doctors Service (RFDS). Through exploring the museum, we were educated about how this invaluable service provides patrons with what is their only source of healthcare over an extensive area, almost the size of the USA ! More incredible is that the flight crew only consists of the pilot, doctor and sometimes a nurse – a stark contrast to the hospital setting where a multitude of health professionals are always on hand to help with any condition. (more…)

Mildura walk raises funds to send local to Germany

Tuesday, February 11th, 2014
Germany's hope for Vince: walkers set off in the dark to raise funds to send local cancer sufferer to Germany for treatment

Germany's hope for Vince: walkers set off in the dark to raise funds to send local cancer sufferer to Germany for treatment

A walkathon to raise funds to send well-known Sunraysia local, Vince Manno, to Germany for liver cancer treatment looks set to raise over $10,000 with SRH – Mildura’s Kristy Allen raising over $1,000 towards the total.

Fifty-five-year-old Vince was diagnosed with inoperable liver cancer 18 months ago. He and his family had exhausted treatment options in Australia when a private oncology clinic in Germany offered further treatment. The clinic is confident of successfully treating his condition.

To help with the financial burden a family friend organised a walkathon on Sunday 2 February when the temperature was forecast to hit 44. Walkers left Red Cliffs at 6 am for Nangiloc, a distance of roughly 32 km, with most finishing by 11.30 and heading straight for the showers.

The entry fee of $10 was bolstered by further donations to support the cause with all funds raised going straight to the family.

Introducing Anthony Weller, GP

Tuesday, February 11th, 2014
Anthony Weller

Anthony Weller

My name is Anthony Weller. I am a GP working in Mildura. I have really enjoyed my learning experiences throughout my career, and in 2013 wanted to give something back.

I started sessional tutoring with Monash’s School of Rural Health – Mildura in 2013, and liked it so much I came on board 0.4 FTE ( Tuesday and Thurday) as a senior lecturer, and assisting in Year 4 and 5 coordination in 2014.

In 2006, I graduated from Newcastle University and obtained my FRACGP in 2012. I have special interest areas in paediatrics and palliative care, but became a GP due to my desire to practise a broad range of specialties.

I am married with three children aged 9, 6 and 1, and love spending my spare time with them, along with fishing, walking and reading.

It’s going to be a busy and productive 2014, and I look forward to meeting people throughout the year. I wish you all well in your endeavours in 2014.

– Anthony Weller