It is important that Monash University correctly identify and classify research outputs for submission both to external research assessment exercises and for internal reporting purposes, such as assessment of researchers’ performance and academic promotion.
All publications must meet the definition of research. Refer to on-line Policy.
Further to the publication information provided in the October issue, we bring to your attention publications that are classed as Non-HERDC. (Conference publications, abstracts, posters, letters to the editor, research reports, other etc.) At a University Academic Board meeting, it was decided that Non-HERDC publications need not be entered onto the system. However, this means that they won’t show up on your ROPES profile.
Non-HERDC publications are at present entered onto the system after category 1 publications (A1, B1, C1), which have priority. After discussion between the Research Administration Manager and the Research Performance Quality and Reporting portfolio members it has been decided to continue entering Non-HERDC publications as before. It will, therefore, be up to individual authors to choose whether to submit or not.
If you decide to submit Non-HERDC publications please get them in for processing as soon as possible, ensuring that you provide all relevant information. Your Publication folder has all the information and the forms required to facilitate the process. The procedure is located at the front of the folder and accompanying forms are listed with each category. Once the publication has been entered onto the system it will appear in your ROPES profile.
As with all publications, the author is responsible for completing the FOR codes and providing all the information requested on the Publication Form (in your folder). Please ensure that all requested information on the Publication Form (eg. E1/4 – Conference publications/abstracts, KO, O, etc) is sent with a copy of the article/booklet/poster to Janelle McGrail ( in the south-east or Sandra Paschkow ( in the north-west.
The current FOR codes (for Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences) are available on-line.
Further information about publication categories can be obtained on-line .