Belinda O'Sullivan
Belinda O’Sullivan is a PhD Candidate – specialist outreach workforce.
Describe your job/role
I recently joined the Office of Research, (enrolled in a PhD through the Department of Epidemiology and Preventative Medicine at the Alfred) to study the specialist outreach workforce in Australia. With a background of public health workforce training and development, and following a family move to Bendigo, I decided to take the opportunity to develop workforce research skills that are increasingly needed to complement policy roles.
Why is it important?
My research will use the MABEL study (Medicine in Australia: Balancing Employment and Life) to study the supply and sustainability of specialist outreach in Australia. It is recognised nationally that specialist outreach is a historically relevant and growing field of practice which has been endorsed in national rural health strategy. A Parliamentary Inquiry has concluded that outreach will continue to be a legitimate part of the overall mix of rural health services.
Australia is a unique example of a nation that has had a sustained national outreach policy for more than ten years, the Medical Specialist Outreach Assistance Program (MSOAP). What is lacking though is information about the workforce dynamics, motivations and the supply and continuity of practice of specialists that do outreach. Gaining a national perspective will assist in ensuring that policy is in sync with the workforce and we understand the different drivers.
What is the best aspect of your work with the School of Rural Health?
Working in the School of Rural Health has provided me with unique opportunities to work with others studying the health workforce and to gain a broader perspective of the range of other work being done to inform sustainable primary care in rural and remote areas. The breadth and quality of research being done here, and the team approach, continues to inspire me.
When you are not at work, what do you enjoy doing?
When I am not at work, I enjoy family time and catching up on ABC shows through iView.
What was your most recent holiday destination and why did you choose it?
My most recent holiday was on Rottnest Island where I have been once every decade since 1993, (when I worked in the fish and chip shop over summer). It has been interesting to see the change, or lack thereof, on the island.
Surprise us! What is something about you that most of your peers would not know?
I am one of seven children; we all get along and the in-laws fit right in too, but watch the noise level when we all get together!