Terri Mathot
Your name and position
Terri Mathot, Administrative Officer, Rural Education Program, School of Rural Health (Clayton Campus)
Describe your job/role
My role is quite varied and never dull. I liaise with all the Regional Clinical School sites in the administration of the MBBS program Years 1 – 5D, but particularly in relation to the Year 2 Rural Placement Program. As well I help coordinate the Year 1 Introduction to Rural Health Program which is implemented at Monash University, Clayton. I am executive support to a number of committees and working groups and have taken on a project management role in the organising of SRH activities for Monash Open Day 2013. I deal with student inquiries and arrange any finance claims for reimbursement, etc. I also work collaboratively with WILDFIRE students and help out in a variety of ways with different events and finance needs. I work closely with Laura Major, Manager Rural Education Program (SRH) doing whatever I can to ensure the SRH office in Clayton is running smoothly.
Why is it important?
Where do I start … I believe this position plays an integral role in the Rural Education Program office within the SRH. I provide advice not only to MBBS students but also to central MBBS staff on issues relating to rural placements as well as having responsibility for providing expert advice to our rural student club WILDFIRE. I believe it’s also important to be able to continue to raise awareness of rural health issues amongst the students who don’t have a good understanding of the issues facing rural Australians when it comes to healthcare.
What is the best aspect of your work with the School of Rural Health?
I think the best part of the job is dealing with the students and of course the staff. Everyone I deal with has welcomed me and made me feel part of the team and have most importantly valued my opinion and shown me respect. I can’t remember enjoying coming to work so much throughout my career. I have also grown to have a real passion for rural health!
When you are not at work, what do you enjoy doing?
I have recently re-married so I am really enjoying starting the next chapter of my life with my husband and his family. Our weekends are always full seeing our grandchildren and we both love cooking special meals for family and friends.
What was your most recent holiday destination and why did you choose it?
My husband and I went to Cairns for our honeymoon as we both love the warm weather and the beach. We stayed at a beautiful resort and just enjoyed the good weather, great food and of course the wine…
If you were Emperor for a day, what is one thing you would implement?
Hmmm, I suppose I would like to see all unemployed people able to secure a job to alleviate the financial stresses. I would also want day light savings all year round or at least more daylight hours. I hate getting home in the dark.
Surprise us! What is something about you that most of your peers would not know?
I was asked to be in the Miss Victoria Quest as a teenager. My mum couldn’t afford all the dresses for me to officially be part of the competition but I raised a lot of the money for the Spastic Society at the time. I am a mother of three beautiful grown daughters who are all independent and have great careers. I just found out that I am going to be grandmother again!