Qualtrics Survey Update

Study Stress Survey Reminder

This is a reminder for students that have already accessed the Qualtrics survey about study stress, perceived support and support seeking intentions using the following link: https://monash.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0MqM78ZMKUmBBsi , but have left the survey incomplete.

Examples of Incomplete Responses

  • Survey responses that have only indicated gender and disability category, but have not provided responses on the study stress scale or support scales.
  • Forgetting to complete an entire set of questions on either the study stress or support scales
  • Missing some of the questions on either the study stress or support scales.
  • If you have forgotten to complete the survey, we ask that you re-access the above link to either complete your previous survey attempt or complete a new attempt if the survey link has not saved your progress.

Please remember that your decision to re-access the survey is completely voluntary. Therefore, it is not necessary that you go back and complete the survey if you do not wish to.

  • If you know that you have completed all questions on the survey already, please do not access the survey link again. 

If you are a DSS student reading this and have not yet accessed the above link at all, you are welcome to access the Qualtrics survey link to complete the survey questions if you wish to participate.

Thank you for your participation.

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