Curtin University Survey
Supporting Students with Disability to Succeed in Higher Education
Associate Professor Tim Pitman, Senior Research Fellow, School of Education, Curtin University, and Equity Fellow, National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education (NCSEHE) would like to know what barriers students with disability face, both at university and when getting the work they want after graduation.
Associate Professor Pitman is promoting a survey that he is conducting as part of a national project, funded by the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education. The project is being overseen by an advisory group chaired by Professor Katie Ellis (Curtin University) and includes members from the Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training (ADCET) and Vision Australia.
About The Project
The project is being conducted by Tim Pitman (Curtin University) and David Eckstein (Swinburne University) and is funded by a grant from the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education.
The survey is designed to gather feedback from students with disability as well as staff working in higher education institutions, regardless of whether or not their job role involves supporting students with disability.
Your opinions and experience are sought to help Australia’s universities do more to help students with disability get the work they want when they graduate. Students with disability are under-represented in the labour market. You can make a difference by contributing to national research into:
- the university environment,
- how universities support these students’ careers, and
- new things that can be done to help.
Prize Draw
Students completing the student survey will be eligible for entry into a prize draw. There will be ten winners, each receiving a $100 Amazon gift voucher.
Further information about the surveys: