Disability Gateway
What is the Disability Gateway?
The Disability Gateway will:
- improve the navigation to access relevant information and services
- span multiple sectors including health, housing, employment, transport and everyday living
- exist as a central point of entry for referrals to disability information, services and programs
The Disability Gateway is an Australian Government initiative.
Who is the Disability Gateway for?
The Disability Gateway is for all people with disability, their families and carers.
How do I provide feedback about the Disability Gateway?
Leave your feedback via the feedback link on the website.
How do I contact the Disability Gateway?
You can call the Disability Gateway on 1800 643 787 or send an email to disabilitygateway@benevolent.org.au.
How do service providers list their service?
Service providers can request to be listed on Ask Izzy by submitting a form to add a service.
Communications products about the Disability Gateway
Communications products about the Disability Gateway are available to download.
Translated information about the Disability Gateway
Translated information about the Disability Gateway is available.
What if English is not my first language?
If you would like to have the Disability Gateway webpages translated, you can phone the Translating and Interpreting Service on 13 14 50. The service can translate in more than 100 languages and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
What if I can understand English, but have trouble reading it?
If you need to listen to the information on the Disability Gateway, you can use Readspeaker to automatically change written text to speech. Click the ‘Listen’ button on any page and it will be read aloud to you.
What if I have a hearing or speech impairment?
If you need to talk with someone about this website, you can contact the Disability Gateway through the National Relay Service by:
- visiting the National Relay Service to choose how you would like to use the service
To go to the Disability Gateway home page click here.