Message from MSA Disability and Carers
A message from the MSA Disability and Carers (D&C) Department
We know it’s been really tough lately and wanted to invite you to join our supportive community, which is a safe space to hang out, and have fun.
We’re a collective of students from many different backgrounds that have a medical condition, mental health condition or disability, or who have caring responsibilities, and more. You don’t have to identify as ‘disabled’ or consider yourself an ‘official’ carer to join.
Get Involved
Join us on Facebook page:
Join our “virtual lounge” here:
This group is a place for all your queries, questions and overwhelming support 🙂
Contact Us
The current Office Bearers are:
Nathaniel Diong (
Basia Mitula (
We’re here to support and help you. We can help to guide you towards services that might help and advocate on your behalf to the uni. ?
Our official email is:
Our physical lounge is located on Level 1 of Campus Centre opposite the Student Advocacy or Clubs & Societies Office, but is currently closed. It’s a safe space where students can chill, rest, and socialise.
We have stim toys, ice/heat packs, a button activated entrance, colouring supplies, and more – see you there!