PACE – Positive Action towards Career Engagement
PACE (Positive Action towards Career Engagement) has been developed in response to requests from our members wanting to facilitate opportunities for people with disability. PACE gives students and/or jobseekers with disability an opportunity to develop their skills and confidence in a workplace setting, which can assist them in their job search, as well as their personal and professional development. The aim is to give participants a range of skills, experiences and advice about the workforce, as well as providing mentors with a rewarding professional developmental experience.
PACE recognises that job seekers with disability frequently find themselves with little or no work experience, and may not be fully aware of the skills and attributes they can offer an organisation. This adds to the difficulties that job seekers may encounter as they try to enter their chosen career.
To start setting the PACE, learn more about the program and how to get involved. To learn about potential impacts of mentoring, read an inspiring case study.